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Bodies in Movement and the Making of a (Public) Space of Intimacy Lecture by Irene Campolmi

This lecture was a part of the seminar "Go Big or Go Home? Kunsthåndverk i offentlig rom" that was held by NK in Oslo on December 9th 2021.

Irene Campolmi is a curator and a researcher based in Copenhagen. For many years, she has focused her work on performance, through which she has investigated postcolonial, queer and feminist theories. Her research and practice have also concentrated on creating the conditions to apply ethics in curatorial work. Since 2019, Irene Campolmi is the Head Art Program and Curator of Enter Art Program, a publicly funded satellite program of performances and talks in conjunction with Enter Art Fair. Together with Copenhagen Contemporary, she has won the Bikuben Vision Award 2021, Denmark’s most prestigious curatorial award, as the lead researcher and curator of the exhibition and research project “Yet, it Moves!”. Currently, she works as the Senior Curator for International Projects at Creator Projects in Copenhagen and has worked as an independent curator and a researcher for ten years within art museums and institutions across the world.


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